The five ladies represent different nationalities and are wearing crowns to show their royalty as Daughters of King Jesus. There are five ladies, as the meaning of the number five is ‘grace’ and they need God’s grace to be Catalysts of Peace. There is a cross on their crowns declaring their salvation. One of the ladies isn’t able bodied and is sitting on a chair. I sensed to paint her this way to show she is valued and just as powerful in the Spirit as her Christian sisters. The gold on the gowns stands for the glory of God. The different coloured gowns speak of the different attributes of God – pink speaks of the heart of God, compassion; light blue speaks of God’s throne and the heavens; wine speaks of overflow and being partakers of the new move of God; turquoise speaks of wisdom, wholeness, creativity; and purple speaks of royalty, abundance and inheritance. The tree represents the tree of eternal life and the dove represents the Holy Spirit’s anointing and the symbol of peace.